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Updated: Mar 18, 2024

Well-being is more than just being healthy; it is important to feel good and in full possession of your means. So while eating a balanced diet and exercising is great for your body, it's important to pay just as much attention to your mind and spirit.

Tea is essentially composed of water, which your body needs to be well hydrated and function optimally. Remember to drink and brew a tea bag to vary the flavors!

And faced with our hectic lives and the constraints of modern life, we want to help you introduce moments of well-being into your daily life.

Your well-being influences your opinion of yourself and others. It also affects how you deal with daily life. Happiness is key to your well-being, and when you are happy, you naturally radiate energy and joy of life. So it's important to take time for yourself, especially with the busy lives we lead these days. That’s why, at Lipton, we want to help you improve your daily well-being. Let's start with some tips for taking care of yourself.

Forget your screens for a bit. Yes, you could respond to this message on Facebook, this text message, or this comment on Instagram… But it is also important not to spend your life in a virtual world. So put down your phone, tablet or whatever, and take the time to disconnect.

Do something you love every day. Whether it's a cup of tea when you wake up, a morning yoga session, or that activity you enjoy after work, make sure you're doing something you enjoy every day.

Try new things. Don’t get stuck in a routine! Change is important for your growth. So, take up a new hobby, try new things and add some variety to your daily activities. Try a new recipe or change your route to work, for example.

Do something you love every day. Whether it's a cup of tea when you wake up, a morning yoga session, or that activity you enjoy after work, make sure you're doing something you enjoy every day.

Try new things. Don’t get stuck in a routine! Change is important for your growth. So, take up a new hobby, try new things and add some variety to your daily activities. Try a new recipe or change your route to work, for example.

All it takes is a little exercise. If you sit at a desk all day, try to incorporate mobility into your daily life. If you can't find time to go to the gym every day, start by not taking the elevator anymore.

You are what you eat (and drink). Everything you swallow is important. Favor variety, control quantities and monitor the nutritional aspect. Avoid foods and drinks containing saturated fats, salt and added sugars. It may seem difficult at first, but small changes can help you adopt a healthier diet.

Hydrate yourself. Our bodies are made up of almost 60% water and should stay that way. So, try to drink 1.5L liters of water per day.



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